Monthly Update: October 2023

A busy month just went by! Here’s everything we did and what’s on the horizon for Panther.

Dear Panthers,

October has been a productive month for us, and we’re excited to share our progress in many areas as we work towards Panther v1.
Without further ado, let’s dive in.

Tech Updates

Stage 2

The latest development sprints were focused on solving a bug related to an external library used for Stage 2, an external factor that has caused a delay.

Our Incentivized Testnet Stage 2 is now officially underway, bringing a wave of features and rewards to the Panther community. Stage 2 is critical as it puts our user interaction and reward mechanisms to the test, laying the groundwork for Panther Protocol’s privacy-preserving features. Our protocol’s privacy is intricately tied to unique game-theoretical features that encourage active user participation, making this stage a pivotal moment for the upcoming Panther Protocol v1.

Stage 2 includes creating and activating your Panther Account, finding your onboarding bonuses, and claiming your vouchers.
Your participation and feedback are crucial as we move closer to our v1 release. Thank you for being a part of Testnet Stage 2, and don't hesitate to share your thoughts through our community channels!

V1 redesign

Over the past weeks, we have done some UX refinements too. The focus was reviewing what we have learned from the previous design iterations and expanding on it further while also elevating the user experience. Another objective was to revamp and update the onboarding process for more seamless account setup.

You can take a look at a quick preview below:


Panel with PureFi Protocol

Just in case you missed our last update, on October 2nd we hosted a great conversation via Twitter Spaces with our partners at PureFi. We’ve discussed our upcoming v1 integration and replied to questions from the community. 

This was an excellent opportunity to demonstrate how Panther and PureFi are collaborating to make privacy-preserving DeFi effortless.



At the end of October, we kicked off a monthly AMA session with our community. Our co-founders covered topics related to business development, focusing on Layer 1/Layer 2 partnerships and Zone operators, revealing the collaborative efforts underway to foster a robust ecosystem. Additionally, we shared some insights related to our go-to-market efforts and ongoing work there.
Tune into the recording here.

October was ETH Month!

This month, Panther Protocol participated in many different Ethereum conferences.

It started with our Co-Founder, CTO, and Chief Scientist, Anish Mohammed, taking the stage at ETH Riyadh 2023, a leading Web3 summit dedicated to Ethereum. His participation in this initiative served to empower developers with a multi-faceted perspective on blockchain applications.

The momentum continued as Co-founder and CEO, Oliver Gale, collaborated with Secret Network & Zama at the "Future of Web3 Privacy" side event during the European Blockchain Convention in Barcelona on October 25th, 2023 to give a talk about bridging DeFi liquidity into regulated financial services using ZK technology.

Also at EBC on October 26th, our Co-Founder and CEO Oliver Gale shared his expertise about DeFi security and privacy with a stellar lineup of speakers from SecretNetwork, Aleph Zero, Zama, and Streamr. Here is a sneak peek at some Panther merch we distributed there.

Following this, our Co-Founder Anish Mohammed participated as a speaker in the ETH AbuDhabi Conference from November 27 - 29, alongside distinguished industry experts from SushiSwap, ZkBob, DecurityHQ, and Polygon Zero.

Anish Mohammed also joined ETHGlobal Online as a judge, marking our excitement to contribute and help participants dive deeper into the world of Ethereum.

Through these engagements, we have broadened our outreach and continued fostering a deeper understanding of Ethereum's evolving ecosystem.

About Panther

Panther is a cross-protocol layer that uses zero-knowledge technology to build DeFi solutions that meet regulatory requirements and satisfy users' on-chain data privacy needs. The goal of Panther is to allow seamless access to DeFi and create a cross-chain-supported architecture that serves different use cases. Panther's zero-knowledge primitives are also generalizable to KYC, selective disclosures between trusted parties, private ID, voting, and data verification services.

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