Testnet Announcement: Panther’s Testnet is going live on July 10th!

Panther community,

We are debuting our v1’s Testnet this Monday. Through it, you’ll be able to test the different protocol functionalities in different stages, leading to our protocol’s release.

In this article, we’ll cover everything you need to know about the Testnet itself, its incremental release, rewards for testers, and the different stages of the testing.

What is expected from testers?

Voluntary testers are expected to go through a predefined set of test cases to cover the whole range of product functionalities. Besides trying out v1, testers are expected to report on bugs or potential UI/UX improvements. Your feedback will be used to enhance the protocol before the official launch.

Furthermore, the Testnet can be used to test further versions of the protocol upon the community's request.

How will Panther’s Testnet work?

Each Testnet Stage will now have its own testing link. All links will be hosted on our official information repository.

The Testnet will be deployed first on the Mumbai Testnet and then the Polygon network. Mumbai, a Polygon Testnet, will only be used to test stages 0-6, while Mainnet Polygon testing will take place starting from the 7th stage. At this time, a canary deployment will be used to test the protocol in an environment as close to full production as possible (see “Scope to test” below).

Test tokens created for testing purposes, including “test” versions of $ZKP, will be deployed to both networks. Testnet ZKP tokens will be exchangeable for Polygon ZKP tokens (see “Incentivization” below).

Panther will provide users with a series of test cases to execute on the Testnet. These are specific to each testing stage and will be communicated via our official channels prior to the launch of each stage.

Sharing feedback

Testnet rewards are automatized, and as such, the Testnet itself will reward users for executing on the provided use cases. However, the goal for the Testnet is to debug and enhance the protocol before v1’s launch. As such, our expectation is that users submit bugs and share ideas to enhance the UI/UX based on their practical experience.

Spotting and fixing any possible bugs within the Testnet will make the production (released) version of the protocol more sustainable in the middle-term, while allowing users to proceed with testing, therefore earning rewards.

To share feedback, testers will be using a dedicated form as the only accepted procedure. The steps mentioned in the form’s description are needed to make this interaction both efficient and productive.

Testing scope and stages

The following are the different stages of testing that users will undertake.

As mentioned, specific testing guides for each step will be released along with them.

How to test

Information regarding Stage 0 will go live on July 10th.

Once Stage 1 is set up, users should visit the Testnet link (hosted here) and join to test the onboarding functionality. This involves creating a zAccount, passing a simple KYC flow (name and email required, ID not required), and activating the zAccount.

Each newly-onboarded user will receive tZKP tokens and tPRP (test PRP). tZKP tokens will be used to interact with the protocol during later stages. Interactions with the protocol accrue rewards for users in the form of tPRP, which will be used in the second stage.

More information about Stage 1 will be published at due time.

Panther’s Testnet incentivization

As mentioned above, the use cases for testing will trigger rewards. These are meant to incentivize users to provide feedback.

At the end of Testing, users will be left with $tZKP balances proportional to the number of tests they performed. At this stage, $tZKP will be used to redeem real $ZKP 1:1 on Polygon. The method to do this will be described at the time.

On Test tokens

The Test tokens created to support the testing process will be:

  • tZKP tokens. Test ZKP tokens deployed on Mumbai and Polygon, as two separate tokens. The proportion of tokens in each chain will be determined in time.

tZKP tokens have a limited supply, which is equal to the reward pool size (see “Amount” below) to maintain a 1:1 ratio for tZKP-ZKP. All tZKP tokens can be exchanged into $ZKP on the Polygon network at a 1:1 ratio at the end of the testing period and, as such, have value.

  • Additional test tokens (as required for Testing). These tokens will have no monetary value and will be used to test diverse protocol functions.
  • tPRP. Test PRP granted to all users who successfully onboard to Panther. The goal of these tokens is merely to test PRP/ZKP conversion in Stage 2.

Amounts and sources

The total amount of Testnet rewards is proposed to be set on a level of 1.5M $ZKP, with an additional 0.5M $ZKP in reserve to cover additional rewards if needed.

Testnet rewards are proposed to be taken from the Foundation-General pool. The allocation and transfer of funds to a newly created incentivized Testnet pool can be done by the Panther Foundation.  

tZKP Distribution

tZKP will be distributed using the following ratios. Note that distributions can be adjusted during the testing period.

  • Welcome bonus – 20%. This will help users receive tZKP in their zAccount. These tokens are used for paying fees and incentivize users to sign up.
  • Miner Rewards pool - 10%. Rewards set aside for miners who run a node to execute a batch of on-chain transactions. Miners will be rewarded based on their batch size, i.e. the number of UTXOs included in the batch.
  • AMM Rewards pool - 60%. This pool will hold the majority of rewards destined to users performing tests.
  • Third-party service providers - 10%. For third-parties acting as relayers and compliance providers.

About Panther

Panther is a cross-protocol layer that uses zero-knowledge technology to build DeFi solutions that meet regulatory requirements and satisfy users' on-chain data privacy needs. The goal of Panther is to allow seamless access to DeFi and create a cross-chain-supported architecture that serves different use cases. Panther’s zero-knowledge primitives are also generalizable to KYC, selective disclosures between trusted parties, private ID, voting, and data verification services.

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