Weekly Update | Panther Protocol

Fellow Panthers,

Another week has flown by in the dynamic world of Panther – now it’s time to share our latest updates and progress with the Panther community! This week’s rundown highlights a series of key developments and testing from the past week.

Ecosystem updates

AMA with Panther’s Head of Product, Saif Akhtar

On February 8, we hosted an AMA session featuring Panther Protocol’s Head of Product, Saif Akhtar, and Head of Community, Joris Koopman. 

Watch the recording for full insights into our latest testnet updates, testing processes, reward systems, and upcoming testnet releases.

Panther testnet video guide for account creation

You asked – we delivered! Panther has received numerous requests to provide support materials dedicated to the account creation process. For a step-by-step video guide detailing how to make your very own testnet Panther account, check out our tutorial video. Once you have your account set up, the video will also show you how to get started earning $ZKP rewards. All you need is a MetaMask wallet and 10 minutes! 

Panther Protocol testnet and rewards update

  • Current testnet users: 800+
  • Total rewards distributed: 500,000+ $ZKP

Our testnet rewards pot is 1.5M $ZKP — have you signed up for our testnet yet to earn your share? Grab the latest link from Panther’s docs to join our testnet and receive your $ZKP rewards.

Product updates

Stage 5 developments

Stage 5 includes using a 3rd party Bundler service and supports gasless transactions via an Account Abstraction Paymaster contract.

Users will be able to submit transactions via Bundlers and pay gas fees in $ZKP instead of $Matic (on Mumbai testnet but similarly on Polygon) from the Panther Gas account that holds $zZKP. 

Integration testing is underway, with two end-to-end Bundler providers operating successfully. Changes on the dApp side are expected to reach completion as we utilize resources from other stages of development taking place in parallel.

Enhancement Stage - 1 developments

As we continue to strive for parallel development efforts, a 2-week technical enhancement stage was slated to implement various fixes from previous stages along with a feature for Gas Management. This key feature allows users to move their $zZKP inside MASP from the regular balance to the Panther Account Gas balance and vice versa. Gas Management plays a significant role enabling users to top up their Gas balance and make sure they have sufficient $zZKP to pay for various transaction costs.

Stage 6 developments

Stage 6 of testnet is a complex stage and includes overall fee management, basic disclosures, and zAccount renewal. Stage 6 allows users to test:

  • Fee deductions from the Panther Gas account and payment to 3rd parties such as Compliance providers and Bundler service providers.
  • Protocol fee deductions in a transacted token currently set to be charged on Withdraw.
  • Basic disclosures that allow Panther users to provide adequate transaction reporting to outside parties issuing requests that can be satisfied by independent on-chain verification.
  •  A zAccount renewal function (after the expiry date). This feature functions in a similar manner to KYC renewals.

Additional smart contract and testing changes are in progress, and will require one more week to complete. Following the completion of these changes, development on the dApp will begin. 

About Panther

Panther Protocol is a cross-protocol layer that uses Zero-Knowledge technology to build DeFi solutions that aim to meet ever-evolving regulatory standards while satisfying users’ on-chain data privacy needs. Panther’s goal is to enable seamless access to DeFi via a cross-chain-supported ZK compliance protocol. The Panther Protocol offers confidentiality across transactions in shielded pools; zSwap for DeFi integrations — enabling private swaps on third-party DEXs; and zTrade for internal OTC book for trading assets privately. Furthermore, Panther Protocol’s Zero-Knowledge primitives are generalizable to KYC, selective disclosures between trusted parties, private ID, voting, and data verification services.

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