Round 2 of $ZKP Advanced Staking incentivized testing is now LIVE!

Dear Panthers,

Many of you have already provided feedback and tested Advanced Staking in Round 1. As this program finishes, we’re debuting our second round of incentivized testing.


Round 2 requires you to generate new stakes, as it utilizes different smart contracts than Round 1. As such, you won’t be able to see or interact with your previous stakes. However, all the feedback provided so far still qualifies for rewards.

The rewards for this round will come from the original 100,000 $ZKP reward pool. This round utilizes a different test token, so make sure you follow the instructions below to eliminate the previous token. Stake size has no relevance to the amounts users receive as rewards.

Here’s how to participate

If you haven’t participated in Round 1 of testing, please make sure you read the official announcement for it before participating in Round 2.

To take part in the program, you should:

  1. If you participated in Round 1 of testing, remove the old Test $ZKP token from your wallet.
  2. Claim free $MATIC to pay for gas fees for the Mumbai Testnet via Polygon’s faucet.
  3. Claim the new test ZKP tokens via our faucet. These test tokens will help you take the actions you require within the Mumbai Testnet and hold no value outside of it.
  4. Navigate to our dApp. Make sure you are connected to the Mumbai Testnet.
  5. Add the new Test $ZKP token using the button with three dots in the top right corner.
  6. Stake $ZKP in the Staking Tab. Verify that this updates the Balance card. Note that the period for staking ends on 28 May, 2022, 20:10:50 (GMT+3)
  7. Unstake $ZKP:

i. Withdraw only your principal amount.

ii. Verify that you’re only able to do this after 29 May, 2022, 01:10:50 (GMT+3).

6. Review and check that your Balance card showcases:

i. The correct staked amount.

ii. An updated amount when tokens are unstaked.

7. Check your $zZKP and PRP balance on your Dashboard screen:

i. Withdraw/redeem your $zZKP rewards. You should only be allowed to do this after the Withdraw Start date, May 29th, 21:00, GMT +3.

ii. After withdrawing, verify that you no longer have withstanding $zZKP and that you do have withstanding PRPs.

8. Validate that the Balance card on the Staking page updates.

If you find a bug:

  1. Fill out our bug report form,
  2. If your report is relevant, you’ll get a notification from the Panther team. You’ll be able to track a reported bug and the solutions in the works in our feedback sheet,
  3. You’ll receive your rewards from the Panther team in your wallet should the bug report be relevant.

About Panther

Panther is a decentralized protocol that enables interoperable privacy in DeFi using zero-knowledge proofs.

Users can mint fully-collateralized, composable tokens called zAssets, which can be used to execute private, trusted DeFi transactions across multiple blockchains.

Panther helps investors protect their personal financial data and trading strategies, and provides financial institutions with a clear path to compliantly participate in DeFi.

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